WHole Sale and Custom Orders

Products from Maghreb Co. are made by local artists to be beautiful and practical.  Every product is handmade but adapted to the modern market.  For example, color schemes are ranged from vibrant, traditional palette to muted, neutral colors— to fit the style of western homes. These products come with a valuable stories behind them about the life and culture of each and everyone one of the Artisans we work with. By keeping our production in Morocco and under the hands of our hardworking artisans, they are supported to preserve Moroccan artistic heritage, as well as earning their livings with their skills.  

We collaborate closely with interior designers on custom orders that will meet their client’s unique needs and lifestyles.

Our minimum is $500 for custom decor orders. We ship from Kentucky or Directly from Morocco.

In order to view our wholesale pricing and place bulk orders, please fill out the form below with your information: